Free Resources
for Parents
Use these printables and downloads to learn about vision impairment and help kids learn about it too.

Resources for Parents

Download and read how to use the resources.
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Show the Love to Eye Doctors, Teachers & Nurses

Join the #ShowTheLove campaign and share these images with those you appreciate. Send a tweet tagging the person you appreciate, update your email signature or add digital banners to your website. Be sure to use the hashtag #ShowTheLove.

Educational Resources & Downloads

Use these free resources to help educate parents, kids and families about the importance of clear vision, how to spot a vision problem and how to take care of your eyes.

Activities for Kids

These activities are perfect for parents and kids to do while at home. Download these ideas, examples and share your successes on social media.

Download All Activities

Khloe’s Videos

Share Khloe’s amazing story and joy in your offices, lobbies or with friends. If you do not want to download, then share the YouTube link.

Khloe’s Story

Impact Story Videos

Share more amazing stories in your offices, lobbies or with friends. If you do not want to download, then share the YouTube link.

Eddie’s Story
Victoria’s Story
Rebecca’s Story

Get Resources & Stories of Impact

Sign-up to receive monthly stories of lives changed through clear sight, resources to help families and updates on how the vision care gap is closing through EVF’s efforts.

Help People Access Clear Sight

Together, we can help every child see the world clearly.
Your participation in valuable programs that bring awareness about the need for vision care for children and adults is valuable

Contact Us

By Email
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13515 N. Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, TX 75234
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