Every time a person puts on a pair of glasses and can see clearly, magic happens. They have a new and improved outlook on life. Experience their stories of life change

Featured Story

Khloe received the one millionth pair of free eyeglasses

Khloe: One In A Million

This adorable first grader is the recipient of the one millionth pair of glasses from Essilor Vision Foundation. Together with donors and supporters, EVF celebrated and gave her the VIP treatment. Watch her videos and story.

Stories of Lives Changed

Daniel & Sam

Daniel is an example of how vision impacts a child’s ability to succeed in school.
“I’m smart and I can figure out just about any problem. I just couldn’t see things that were far away.”


Victoria is an example of how vision impacts every aspect of a child’s life from learning, confidence and social interactions to participating in activities such as sports, art or music.


Clear vision is especially crucial for children. Unlike hunger or tooth decay, children are often unable to self-identify that their vision is impaired. To them, blurry vision is normal.


Like many parents, Eddie’s mother was unaware of the signs and symptoms of vision impairments. “It was a total surprise to me when I was told that he needed glasses. No one in my family uses glasses and I thought he was too young.

Help People Access Clear Sight

Together, we can help every child see the world clearly.
Your participation in valuable programs that bring awareness about the need for vision care for children and adults is valuable